
Winter Skin Care - Skin Care during winters

The icy winterwinds work havoc wi,th your skin, and chapping of skin becomes a common problem. But, the most vulnerable to cold is dry skin which cracks easily if uncared for, Many a time cracked skin bleeds too. It is, therefore, necessary to avoid exposure. Also you have to take care of other parts of your body like palms, feet, back and neck, etc. Icy winds also fade the complexion of your skin. If the skin is dry; then minimise the use of soap to as little as possible. Cold cream and olive oil are effective in reducing dryness. But, before this it is essential to deep-cleanse your face. For deep-cleansing, take a cotton swab, dip it in water and squeeze it. Apply cleansing-milk and rub it thoroughly on your face and neck. Do not use unheated milk which might result in opening up unwanted pores on face. Tomato and raspberry juice is best suited for facial cleaning. At night, do not use water after cleansing, butuse wet towel for wiping. The towel should be drenched in hot water and then squeezed. After this, facial massage with skin-tonic mixed with almond oil is beneficial. Massage should be continued for at least ten minutes so as to enable the cream to penetrate the skin.

Skin tonic can be c.ither bought from the market or prepared at home. For homemade tonic-take fifty gm of marigold petals, soak them in a half litre water in a stainless steel pot and wami it on heater. Keep the flame low. Keep lid on the pot so that the steam does not escape. Now take pure wax, melt it and mix it with the mixture of marigold and heat it on a medium flame for half anhour. When the cream gets cold, fill it in a bottle. This is your skin-tonic. Cold cream is much in use during wimer. For homemade cold cream-peel a cucumber and cut it into small pieces. Take four parts of almond oil, one part pure wax and put it on low heat. Whenthe two get mixed completely then add pieces of cucumber and heat on a low flame for forty-five minutes. The cucumber pieces should be one-fourth of the mixture. Stir slowly while heating. You may add a little perfume for fragrance.

Most of us are well aware of what damage the summer sun can do to our skin, but forget the toll winter can take on our face, arms and legs. So don't let winter get under your skin.

During winter, dry skin regains its glow by massaging. Massage hands, anns and other exposed pans of the body with 'hand lotion'. It prevents skin from chapping while working in kitchen. 'Hand lotion' can be prepared by mixinglemon juice in rose water. 'Milk cream' (malaz) should be applied on wrist and fingers to keep them soft. Dryness of skin can be removed by a massage with olive oil, or mustard oil or almond oil followed by a sun bath. A little after sun bath water bath withluke-wann water should be taken which helps in removing tiredness; and it also increases blood circulation in the veins. To preventthe lips from chapping, alight application of cold cream or vaseline on the lips is essential before going to bed. Using chapstick also helps.

No Red Noses

If your latest cold has done a number on your nose, get out that tube of concealer and apply a little to the tip of your finger. Dot it carefully until the glow has lessened and then set it with a bit of translucent powder. No one will ever know.

Satiny Smooth Winter Skin

If you want your skin smooth this winter, here is a recipe that should help. All it involves is mixing equal parts of olive, mustard oil and sesame oil and then massage it all over the body. This oil is very good for the skin and leaves it smooth and free from blemishes.

Winter Hair Care

Before the cold winds do their damage, get out the deep conditioning and mud packs and give your hair a treat. Will make a world of difference.

Winter Lip Care

Lips tend to dry out the fastest at this time of year. Cover them with a good lip balm. Avoid licking your lips and don't bite the skin on the surface of your lips.Lip balms are nowadays commonly available and some with a SPF factor as well to protect them from the harmful rays.

Get rid of those dry patches by rubbing the lips with an anti-wrinkle cream.

Winter Nail Care

Nails take quite a beating all winter long so here is a little tip for keeping them at their best. Every few days, brush them with cuticle/ nail oil and if you can’t seem to find any then petroleum jelly will do just fine. If your nails are weak, splitting, fragile etc, the problem could be traced back to an inadequate water intake. Most people don't drink nearly enough.

Dry Dry Legs

Just remember, after each shower be sure to leave your legs just a little damp and slather on the moisturizer. Your legs will thank you! To keep feet soft in the winter, look for a lotion that contains petroleum or glycerin to soften the feet.

Baths during winters

Taking a hot bath during the winter is not a good habit to get into as they rob your skin of natural oils so try to limit the time spent in the bath and don't use hot water. And don't forget a good body lotion and slather it on.

Sunscreen and Winter Use

It is just as important to wear a sunscreen during the winter as it is in the summer. Heat causes you to sweat, which means that the sunscreen needs to be applied more often. In winter, it is still important to use the sunscreen and don't forget your ears.

Baby Your Hands This Winter

Stop using harsh soaps on them, as they strip the moisture from your hands and since the hands have very few oil glands. They can easily develop cracks. Try creamy bath gels as an alternative.

Winter Eye Care

During the winter months...use a good eye cream to protect the delicate eye area day and night. Don’t forget to keep a pair of sunglasses handy to protect the eyes from wind and glare from the sun which will quickly contribute to tiny wrinkles.

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